[ltp] PnP Bios patch help

Martin Sanborn linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:32:53 -0600

On Wednesday 19 December 2001 12:25 pm, you wrote:
> That being 1- my 1st kernel generation 2- my first kernel patching, I would
> appreciate some guidance regarding the patch apply process.
> I have my source tree, I have the patch, and the information from
> Kernel-HowTo (section 6.1: patching the kernel) does not help.

What command did you attempt to use to patch the kernel? I just used the 
PNPBIOS patch yesterday against a Debian 2.4.16 kernel source without 
problems. In the (unpacked) kernel source directory, say, 
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.16, I did

patch -p1 <[patchfilename]

assuming your patch is in the same directory. Is it failing to patch?

Marty Sanborn

| Martin Sanborn - Dept. of Chemical Engineering - Northwestern University |
| m-sanborn@nwu.edu - (847)467-1653 - http://zeolites.cqe.nwu.edu/marty |

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