[ltp] apm

tom linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 07:27:22 -0500

My thinkpad is an A21m with Slackware 7.1 installed.

Anyone have any experience on apm?

I'm very slowly slogging through some of the apm apmd_proxy
scripts and trying to sort it out.

Slackware 7.1 comes with an older version of apmd and pcmcia so
I've upgraded both to the latest.
I'm running X windows 3.3.6 and kernel 2.2.18.  This means that I
am also running esd.

I finally managed to get the apmd version 3.final onto my PC.  It
seems that the source code that is distributed works only on
Debian.  I can't even compile all the modules because something
"unspecified" is missing.  I don't know what, but apmsleep is no

After manually putting everthing in place on my system and doing
some edits on my apmd_proxy script I have the following:

Sound still won't work.  I've tried doing a script routine where I
esdctrl off
/sbin/modprobe -r sound
when I suspend and reverse it when I resume. 'sound' is a modprobe
alias I've created of cs46xx.
ESD hangs the whole x window thing.
I've also tried a 'kill -9 `pidof esd`' and that was just as bad. 
It seems that when I resume ESD, no one (gnome/sawfish) knows it's

The cs46xx (sound) module works OK, so I don't know if I have to
move to ALSA/OSS.  It seems that ESD is more of a problem.

I also found that 'cardctl eject' works, but 'cardctl insert'

I'm open to any suggestions.  I'd prefer not reinstalling to
another distribution at this time.  I was hoping to avoid that
learning curve.

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