[ltp] tp 600e

Marc Richter linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 04:36:45 -0800 (PST)


Boot the laptop and write down the memory count that
appears in the upper left hand corner.

The append line in lilo.conf should appear as that
number. For instance, mine is:

append = "mem=130496k" 

Note the lowercase k

Hope that helps.

--- Arion Meier <arion@meier.li> wrote:
> Hi
> my linux (suse7.0) does not recognize the correct
> amount of memory. I have 
> 192MB and it recognize just 64 MB. I tried the
> kernel parameter meem=192M and 
> even less than that, but the only thing is a
> unbootable system.
> can anyone give me a hint?
> I have to use some java applications with a lot of
> memory hunger.
> Cheers
> Arion
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Marc A. Richter
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