[ltp] Re: What HD do you recommend?

Dirk Husemann linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
12 Jul 2001 10:48:55 +0200

>>>>> "FEK" == Felix E Klee <felix.klee@inka.de> writes:

    FEK> Hi,
    FEK> Sorry if this is OT but I don't know any better place to ask. 

    FEK> I would like to replace the 6GB HD in my Thinkpad 1267i; therefore I
    FEK> looked at the price list of a popular online retailer (www.alternate.de)
    FEK> in Germany and found the following disks:

    FEK> Fujitsu:
    FEK> Type        Size Height Access/Cache/RPM Interface Price
    FEK> MHL2300AT   30GB 12.5mm 12/2048/4200     U-66 IDE  367.62EUR
    FEK> MHM2200AT   20GB  9.5mm 12/2048/4200     U-66 IDE  188.67EUR

    FEK> IBM:
    FEK> DARA-218000 18GB 12.5mm 12/ 512/4200     U-66 IDE  152.88EUR 
    FEK> DJSA-220    20GB  9.5mm 12/2048/4200     U-66 IDE  163.10EUR  
    FEK> DJSA-230    30GB 12.5mm 12/2048/4200     U-66 IDE  331.83EUR   
    FEK> DJSA-232    32GB 12.5mm 12/2048/5400     U-66 IDE  480.10EUR
    FEK> Toshiba:
    FEK> MK-2016GAP  20GB  9.5mm 13/1024/4200     U-66 IDE  183.55 EUR   
I just swapped my 6GB drive for an IBM DJSA-230 (12.5mm) on my i1460
(there you just had to turn the beast on its top, remove power and
battery, then unscrew the two screws on the CD panel, remove the CD
panel and you are looking at the back end of the HD, pull the little
flap and you've got it in your hands)

    FEK> And most important: does a 12.5mm disk fit into the port or is it too
    FEK> big (I can't find that info on the IBM web site)?

On the i1460 it did, the "cage" around the harddisk had little rubber
strips at the bottom, just take those out and the 12.5mm disk will
fit. Has been running quite nicely (and a lot quieter, too).

Have fun.

Dr. Dirk Husemann, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Email: hud@zurich.ibm.com ----------- WWW: http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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