[ltp] changing resolution
Geert Janssen
Thu, 19 Jul 2001 12:46:55 -0400
Dear Bob Koss,
The "keycode 77 = Num_Lock" suggestion from Shigeo finally made that key
work on my 770Z (RedHat 6.0, 2.2.16 kernel). Note however that NumLk =
Shift ScrLk. Once in NumLock mode I can indeed switch resolutions in X
(SVGA, but only 1024x768 shows up; the others show a black screen
(still backlit though). I haven't tried to see what happens with an external
monitor. I am usually running with SVGA consoles (with the penguin) in
32-bit color depth mode. Switching that off from /etc/lilo.conf (no vga=792
line) and also changing to lower color depths didn't make the other
resolutions show up. Maybe a newer X server can do it?
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