[ltp] Problems with a reh-hat 7.0 install

Tom Grydeland linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 21:59:23 +0100 (MET)

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, horea iepan wrote:

> sorry but I'm new in Linux.
> the problem is then I don't now how I do fix this problem.

When you're faced with the "LILO:" prompt, type

    linux single

(with "linux" replace with whatever you use to boot linux).

This will take your machine up in single-user mode -- very few services
are started.

When in single-user mode, do the following:

cd /etc/rc.d
for file in rc?.d/S??pcmcia; do
    echo $file $(echo $file|sed s/S/K/)
## This instructs the system to *not* start the PCMCIA services upon boot

telinit 3
## This switches to runlevel 3 -- "normal" operation.

Now you should be able to rebuild your kernel.

Hope that helps.

//Tom Grydeland <Tom.Grydeland@phys.uit.no>

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