[ltp] Re: T21 -- RH 7.1 no MPEGs with xmms
Dirk Husemann
08 May 2001 11:09:23 +0200
>>>>> "FB" == Friedemann Baitinger <fb@baiti.net> writes:
FB> On 7 May 2001, Dirk Husemann wrote:
>> >>>>> "FB" == Friedemann Baitinger <fb@baiti.net> writes:
>> ... in any case: vlc (www.videolan.org) works quite nicely for
>> DVDs. You can enable the xvideo output plugin and it works on
>> my T21 with Tim's 1.1.15 driver.
FB> How did you accomplish this? I just installed vlc and compiled
FB> it with all kinds of different '--enable' settings and also
FB> started it with different 'vlc -V xxx' option but none of them
FB> worked on my T21 with standard RH 7.1. I constantly get the
FB> black window with some green messed up stripes. Please post
FB> your ./configure string and also how you start and run the
FB> binary.
FB> PS the version I am using is: vlc-0.2.73
I've not tried 0.2.73 yet (will do so tonight), here's the configure
invocation for 0.2.72:
./configure --prefix=/opt/vlc-0.2.72 --enable-esd --enable-fb\
--with-sdl --enable-xvideo --enable-gnome
I upgraded SDL to 1.2.x and am using the ALSA 0.9.x sound
drivers. Invocation of the binary is as follows:
/opt/vlc-0.2.72/bin/gnome-vlc --overlay dvd:/dev/dvd
where /dev/dvd is
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Mar 28 22:03 /dev/dvd -> /dev/scd0
I've configured my DVD/CD-ROM drive to use the SCSI emulation (xcdroast
doesn't like the ATAPI CDROM driver and insists on accessing my drive
via SCSI emulation).
Most DVDs will play with that invocation. For some you need to specify
a different start title/chapter (like the region code 2 007 DVD
"Tomorrow never dies": there you have to start with title 10/chapter
1). Region code 2 DVD definitely play on my T21 with RH 7.0/1, region
code 0 do as well, region code 1 I've not tested that much (there's a
firmware patch available for the Matshita (MATSHITADVD-ROM SR-8175,
ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive) DVD drive), at least one seems to work
Good luck!
Dr. Dirk Husemann, IBM Research Division, Zurich Research Lab, Switzerland
Email: hud@zurich.ibm.com ----------- WWW: http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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