[ltp] Re: T21 Savage driver issues (Was: T21 -- RH 7.1 no MPEGs with xmms)

Friedemann Baitinger linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 9 May 2001 12:04:07 +0200 (CEST)

Hash: SHA1

On 9 May 2001, Dirk Husemann wrote:

> >>>>> "DS" == D Sen <dsen@research.att.com> writes:
>     DS> Markus Alt wrote:
>     >> [Snip]
>     >>  In addition to that, there are still the simultaneous CRT +
>     >> LCD display and MPEG problems you mentioned. (Surprisingly,
>     >> DVDs work for me using xine and vlc.)
>     >> 
>     DS> Nope, still can't play DVDs using xine and vlc (compiled as
>     DS> described by Dirk Husemann). My dvd device is setup as:
>     DS> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Feb 14 17:31 dvd -> hdc
>     DS> Does Xvideo show up as one of the extensions when you type
>     DS> 'xdpyinfo'?
> It does on my box:
> name of display:    :0.0
> version number:    11.0
> vendor string:    The XFree86 Project, Inc
> vendor release number:    4003
> maximum request size:  4194300 bytes
> motion buffer size:  256
> bitmap unit, bit order, padding:    32, LSBFirst, 32
> image byte order:    LSBFirst
> number of supported pixmap formats:    7
> supported pixmap formats:
>     depth 1, bits_per_pixel 1, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 4, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 8, bits_per_pixel 8, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 15, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 16, bits_per_pixel 16, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 24, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
>     depth 32, bits_per_pixel 32, scanline_pad 32
> keycode range:    minimum 8, maximum 255
> focus:  window 0x3200012, revert to Parent
> number of extensions:    29
>     DPMS
>     Extended-Visual-Information
>     FontCache
>     GLX
>     LBX
>     MIT-SHM
>     RECORD
>     RENDER
>     SGI-GLX
>     SHAPE
>     SYNC
>     TOG-CUP
>     X3D-PEX
>     XC-MISC
>     XFree86-Bigfont
>     XFree86-DGA
>     XFree86-Misc
>     XFree86-VidModeExtension
>     XIE
>     XInputExtension
>     XTEST
>     XVideo
> default screen number:    0
> number of screens:    1

and what comes below these lines? The interesting things would be to see
something like this:

screen #0:
  dimensions:    1400x1050 pixels (356x267 millimeters)
  resolution:    100x100 dots per inch
  depths (7):    16, 1, 4, 8, 15, 24, 32
  root window id:    0x2e
  depth of root window:    16 planes
  number of colormaps:    minimum 1, maximum 1
  default colormap:    0x20

> And I tried vlc-0.2.73 last night, that plays as well.

- -- 
Friedemann Baitinger      fb@baiti.net       http://baiti.net/fb/
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