[ltp] Re: faxing via onboard modem in Thinkpad A22p?
Dirk Husemann
29 Oct 2001 16:38:37 +0100
>>>>> "l" == linux-thinkpad <linux-thinkpad@merctech.com> writes:
l> =>
l> => Efax is supposed to support class 1, the problem really lies with the
l> => modem SW it seems (I'm stumbling over the same problem), as soon as
l> By "modem software", I assume that you mean the ltmodem driver, not efax. I
l> upgraded to the the latest version of ltmodem (6.00b4), and the problem
l> persists.
Yeah, same here.
l> => you issue the +FCLASS=1 command the modem will shy away from
l> => dialing. Dialing normally works just fine...
The ltmodem list was too helpful so far.
l> Yes. I can consistently reproduce the error from efax and from communications
l> terminal programs that let me connect to the modem directly (minicom). The
l> modem responds correctly until you go into fax mode, then dialling immediately
l> fails. The speed of the error response is independent of:
l> the number being dialed
l> the presence (or number) of leading commas (telling the modem to pause)
l> the setting of the modem S6 register (how long to pause before dialling)
l> the efax "-oz" option (to pause 100ms for each "z")
l> this seems to indicate to me that the content of the dial command isn't being
l> examined, it immediately generates an error.
l> I don't have access to the modem outside Linux, so I can't confirm what a
l> successful dialling process would be.
I'll give it a try (my system is still dual boot) this week sometime.
Dr Dirk Husemann, Pervasive Computing, IBM Research, Zurich Research Lab
hud@zurich.ibm.com --- http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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