[ltp] lspci and Ethernet Card (on a T21)
Tom Grydeland
Thu, 13 Sep 2001 17:55:21 +0200 (MET DST)
On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, D. Sen wrote:
> When I have an ethernet card (3Com 3CCFE575CT Tornado CardBus) inserted,
> running lspci returns the following:
> >lspci
> pcilib: Cannot open /proc/bus/pci/05/00.0
> lspci: Unable to read 64 bytes of configuration space.
> When the ethernet card is not inserted, I get a normal listing of pci
> devices
> Anyone know whats causing this?
No idea, but I see exactly the same behaviour with the very same card.
I also see network "freezes", accompanied by these lines in the log:
Sep 13 10:30:13 ska kernel: NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out
Sep 13 10:30:13 ska kernel: eth0: transmit timed out, tx_status 00 status e000.
Sep 13 10:30:13 ska kernel: diagnostics: net 0ee0 media a800 dma 000000a0.
I don't know if this is related.
Using a 10Mbit card from 3Com works just fine.
(Using kernel 2.4.3 and pcmcia-cs 3.1.26)
> DS
//Tom Grydeland <Tom.Grydeland@phys.uit.no>
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