[ltp] TP 600 and Memory

Thomas Vogels linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
27 Sep 2001 11:27:01 -0400

"Adam M. Bodnar" <ambodnar@bigfoot.com> writes:

> I've recently acquired a ThinkPad 600 and been reading up on the specs of
> it and what I'll have to do to get linux running on it.
> One of the things I noticed is that it's using a 430TX chipset and from
> what I've read, this chipset can only cache up to 64MB. So least under
> Windows, if you have more than 64MB of memory you actually lose
> performance.
> What I was wondering if anyone knows if this behavior occurs under Linux
> and how much memory most people have in their laptop.

-- From the TP600 tech ref manual:  64 MB are cacheable with a Pentium
   processor and 512 MB are cacheable (in L2) with a Pentium II
   processor.  What CPU do you have?

-- I have 128MB and a Pentium II so all is cacheable...  128 MB turns
   out to be just right for a machine running Linux with Gnome


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