[ltp] XF86 4.1.0

"André Cotte" linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 21:57:24 -0400


I had also problems with 4.10.  With à TP 600e.  After a few minutes, X froze and I had to restart the machine.  Impossible to exit gracefuly of X or Linux.

Finally I use Mandrake 8.1 with an earlier version of 4.10  I hope that 4.20 will resolve the problem

André Cotte

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Le 02-03-19 à 19:42 Jim Eberhardt a écrit:

>Has anyone had any experience with XF86 4.1.0 with Trident 9320 video
>Recently I upgraded (stupidly?) my 365X from Slackware 7.1 to 8.0. On the
>7.1 install, I had XF86 3.3.6 working just fine with the "svga" driver. It
>seems the generic svga driver no longer exists under 4.1.0, and the
>"trident" driver is not working very well at all (that is, X starts, but
>the screen is partially garbled). Anyone have any success with 4.1.0 on
>this laptop or with this chipset?
>Thanks for your help,
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André Cotte
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