[ltp] Pcmcia Problems with TP 560X

Mark Baumann linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Wed, 24 Apr 2002 01:14:46 +0200 (MES)

 I'm really confused at the moment. After an kernelupdate (debian 2.4.18)
my pcmcia slots were gone. Each time I try to start cardmgr I get the
error message "ressource busy, and something like module ds.o not found". I
tried to reset the IRQ with ps2.exe, I only get an OK. But if I try to show all irq (ps2 ? irq), I only get some weird
numbers crossing the whole screen (pci) everything else seems to be
OK. Is this output normal??
Installing woody in a new partition works fine, everything seems to work
like before.

Is or was there a Problem?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/best regards

Mark Baumann

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