[ltp] Backup Solutions?
Bob Koss
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 03:18:45 -0400
On 8/29/02 12:55 AM, "Matthew Davis" <mdavis@physics.uq.edu.au> wrote:
>> I am looking for suggestions for backing up my hard drive.
> I have a Firewire Maxtor 80Gb external hard drive,
I have that same drive and I really enjoy just copying files rather than
having to deal with tar or cpio, etc. Unfortunately, my drive died on day.
It just wouldn't spin. Maxtor replaced it, but my backups were gone.
I'm going to get another drive. Would it be best to backup one to the other
or just alternate backups to two different external drives?
Robert Koss, Ph.D. | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java
www.objectmentor.com | Extreme Programming
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