[ltp] CS4232 driver in 2.4.17

Rob Mayoff linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
15 Feb 2002 12:41:42 -0600

+---------- On Feb 15, Peter Hutnick said:
> Has anyone gotten the cs4232 driver that is included with very recent kernels
> to work?

I'm using it on a 770Z.  I have all the sound stuff configured as
modules.  The cs4232 module uses the ad1848, uart401, and sound modules,
and sound uses soundcore.  But running "modprobe cs4232" should take
care of loading the whole stack.

If you have built pcmcia-cs with PnP support, then you can use the
command "lspnp -v" to see what resources the sound hardware is using.
This may help you figure out what to put in /etc/modules.conf.

I think this is the key line in my modules.conf:

options cs4232 io=0x530 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=9

> Mp3s "echo" very badly, though it sound kind of nice with good
> harmonizing ;-). I get the exact same sound with mpg123 or mpg321, so
> I assume it is the driver.

As I recall, this is typically an IRQ problem - the driver doesn't know
when the hardware is finished with a block of data.

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