[ltp] Data point - complete(?) successs w/ Mandrake & a22p

Harry Mangalam linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 16:18:07 -0800

Here's an unexpected finding - a near-perfect install.  After a recent puppy fiasco beheaded my trusty 770X, I got an a22p (gorgeous 1600x1200 display, not one bad pixel) and was going to install
debian on it, but decided to use Mandrake's diskdrake to re-partition the drive from it's win2000 default.  It re-partitioned perfectly (after a defrag under win2k that took most of 2 hours), and let
me set up all my partitions with my choice of 3 (count 'em 3!) journalling files systems as well as the usual suspects.

Since it went so well with diskdrake, I decided, what the hell - let it go the rest of the way to see where it screws up and I can tell Mandrake where to fix it.

To my amazement, it went all the way thru, detecting the PCI ethernet, sound, the video card (tho I had to choose the rez), etc.  The only thing I haven't checked so far is whether it'll support my
wireless card, but everything else was set up correctly, even suspend (..!) - haven't tried hibernation as I don't really use it.  Tho it did require a shutdown and re-start and setting the KDE apm
settings to get it to work correctly.

The is the first time I've heard the KDE startup chime - so much nicer than the windows mordorsoft-death-march.

Also the 1st time that pump (dhcp) worked out of the box for me (and so much better than the Windows dhcp client).

Have to say that I'm pretty impressed.  I still prefer Debian and will probably switch over at some point in the future, but this was by far the easiest install (Linux or windows) that I've ever done
on a lappie.

Cheers, Harry
Harry J Mangalam  --  (949) 856 2847 (v&f)  --  mangalam@home.com (primary)
hjmangalam@yahoo.com, harrymangalam@netscape.net (if @home service ends)
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