[ltp] Mandrake 8.2 vs. TP 600e

Chris Stone linux-thinkpad@www.bm-soft.com
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 11:02:32 -0300


Your results in sound and modem settings echo mine in Caldera Open Linux
Workstation with the Thinkpad 770x....(ie. Not a hope in hell to get them
working!!).  One thing I noticed right away... KDE documentation is very

In my configuration, I first checked the Windows settings of my sound card
and modem. I wrote those down. Then, I tried the settings using a special
program in Caldera that sets the kernel loading of drivers.... no success

My Linux seems to think the thinkpad has a CS46** driver (that's what it
says when it probes). On some sites on the internet, people say it's a 4232

No idea... I think I may just install RedHat 7.x instead.... as it may be
easier to configure the sound by following other's examples.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-linux-thinkpad@bm-soft.com
>[mailto:owner-linux-thinkpad@bm-soft.com]On Behalf Of Steven Crane
>Sent: July 14, 2002 8:05
>To: Linux on Thinkpads mailing list
>Subject: [ltp] Mandrake 8.2 vs. TP 600e
>Well, guys can't say as I'm very impressed so far.
>The installation manual seems to be a lot less than clear and
>several of the promised
>options were simply never offered. Doubling back, as the
>manual says you are free to
>do - to check the the lm-sensors package was not included in
>the install - created
>absolute chaos and I eventually had to resort back to the
>Redhat 6.1 installation disk to
>restore the Linux partitions.
>The second installation seemingly worked fine for a couple of
>hours and then stopped
>recognising the root password. Pressumably I did something
>stupid, but I really have no
>idea what.
>Third installation seems to be fine-ish. At least it is still
>working a couple of days down
>the line.
>Not unexpectedly it has failed to correctly detect the Sound,
>Modem and Network.
>More surprisingly I can't find the HOWTOs on any of the CDs.
>Must be here
>somewhere but I'm not having much luck turning them up.
>Installing and running "sndconfig" does get a response out of
>the speakers. The original
>WAV (?) playback is pretty garbled but the second MIDI
>sequence sounds perfect. The
>old IBM RH 6.0 instructions settings worked and they do
>include a warning that the
>sndconfig sample is garbled even when sound otherwise
>functions perfectly. Downside
>is that although, sndconfig obviously has access to the
>correct CS42xx driver,
>Mandrake itself is still attempting to use the CS46xx driver.
>It seems that I may well
>have all the pieces but they are yet to be correctly assembled.
>The internal modem was always likely to be a bit of a problem,
>although one of the
>main reasons for choosing the 600e is the high number of
>reports that it WILL work in
>Linux... eventually.
>The Network will hopefully prove to be fairly simple. The card
>is a Netgear FA411 which
>comes packaged with Redhat 6.1 drivers, but seems to be about
>the only manufacturer
>NOT listed within Mandrake. If all else fails, I can replaced
>the PCMCIA card relatively
>cheaply, but again indications are that it will work when I've
>had a bit more time to play
>with it. Not had time to study the Linux documentation that
>came with the card, so I
>may have the necessary answers to hand.
>Okay, back to the books.
>Any pointers, especially from anyone running a combination of
>Mandrake & 600e?

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