[ltp] T21 hibernation
Bret Comstock Waldow
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 08:45:51 +1200
Werner Horbelt wrote:
>On Tuesday 16 July 2002 23:49, you wrote:
>>When I boot to W$k to defrag the disk, to try to arrange the
>>contiguous space - it auto-reinstalls the hberfil.sys and takes up
>>all the room again (see remark above).
>I guess you did not disable hibernation in W$k.
>I thought there was some configuration option to do that
>in Win's settings, independent from the Thinkpad Configuration
>utility and not hard to find. Perhaps that prevents W$k once
>and forever to recreate the file.
No, I didn't look independently of what I found in the Configuration
utility. For now, I haven't decided if I am willing to disable
hibernation in W$k - I'll watch my usage patterns and let that decide.
Separately from that, the question of getting W$k to use the same
hibernation file is still interesting, but not a high priority right now.
>On Wednesday 17 July 2002 00:16, you wrote:
>>So I'm beginning to gather (why does no one put this information on
>>their web pages about hibernation? It's like everyone tries to get
>>away with saying the least they can manage - sheesh! Are they
>>worried they'll lose something if they pass on their knowledge?
>> What's Free Software about anyway? )
>well, concerning myself, I just try to minimize the time I spend
>with problems. Remember you asked us about things that were
>discussed earlier in this mailing list :-)
>What we all desire is a FAQ. Would you volunteer to manage it?
No 8-). Not yet. When I get GNU/Linux substantially working on this
machine, I'm going to put up a web page about it. I haven't seen anyone
else's page that tells how to get fax working with the Lucent modem -
I'm going to try to solve (or at least lay to rest) that question. I
will also need to work out the apm scripts around suspend and hibernate
so that I don't have trouble with PCMCIA cards, etc. I haven't tested
sound, but I know my network connection (via the Intel ethernet port)
doesn't survive hibernate/resume, and I need to sort that.
Once I've got that, I can consider a hibernation FAQ, but I can't
guarantee anything now (it is interesting). For now, I'll publish my
findings <grin> here so at least people can find them via search engines.
IBM's notes about stndalhd do point out it "works on DOS and windows"
but that looked ambiguous to me - they may have meant it only runs with
those OS's, or it might be they only SUPPORT those OS's. Turns out it
means you have to use one of those file systems for the hibernation
file. I think the instructions could be quite a bit more clear.
And I think it's better to be verbose than terse when publishing what
I've learned - the peope that need the info know less than I do by
definition. Cryptic prose looks cool, but doesn't help a lot IMO.
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