[ltp] Massive clock drift on new thinkpad R32

David Peterson linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 20:09:06 +1100

Hi All,

I'm wondering whether anyone on-list can provide me with some advice 
regarding a clock-drift problem I have (only recently, I think?!) 
started experiencing with my new R32 thinkpad. I am running debian linux 
(woody) on the testing branch (if that matters at all).

I seem to be drifting around 80 seconds (1m20s) for each hour that 
passes on the system. I have pasted a couple of ntpdate outputs below 
for those interested:

peterson@buran:~$ ss ntpdate ntp.atnf.csiro.au
20 Nov 10:45:24 ntpdate[1134]: adjust time server offset 
0.279852 sec
peterson@buran:~$ ss ntpdate ntp.atnf.csiro.au
20 Nov 11:29:37 ntpdate[1325]: step time server offset 
53.068004 sec

This doesn't seem normal at all to me. I would expect clock drift in the 
order of tens of a second over this time, not tens of seconds (two 
orders of magnitude greater). Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I 
can solve the problem, or is it time to call IBM for a warranty claim. 
Is this kind of behaviour even covered under warranty!?

Any help appreciated.

