[ltp] Re: can not open /dev/thinkpad
Thomas Hood
21 Oct 2002 10:24:00 +0200
On Mon, 2002-10-21 at 06:53, Rob Walker wrote:
> tp600x:/lib/modules/2.4.18/thinkpad# tpctl -x
> tpctl: stat() of device file /dev/thinkpad/thinkpad failed. Exiting.
tpctl 3.8 looks only at /dev/thinkpad/thinkpad by default.
For 4.0 I'll change it so that it checks both
/dev/thinkpad/thinkpad and /dev/thinkpad. At this point
I just wanted to make sure that we had licked the main
problem. I'm glad we have.
The MAKEDEV utility should be changed so that it creates
/dev/thinkpad/thinkpad instead of /dev/thinkpad. I have
just filed the necessary bug report.
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