[ltp] How to wake-up T30

George Yanos gyanos at uic.edu
Thu Apr 24 21:40:57 CEST 2003

My t-30 had a similar problem.  It seems, however, that not all of
them do.  The key, I thinhk, is the display.  I have a 1400x1050
display and it seems to have a problem.  If I let it shut itself off
(the display, that is) by timing out on the idle timer, then I can not
get it to come back on.

It is true that two presses of Fn-f4, to put it sleep really then wake
it up again, restores it to functioning.

I don't like it, but it does get the machine back.

>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Pfaff <blp at cs.stanford.edu> writes:

    Ben> Lewis Adam-CAL022 <Adam.Lewis at motorola.com> writes:
    >> So I keep having this problem, that I step away for too long and my T30 has
    >> gone to sleep.  How do I wake it up?  I keep cold rebooting the machine each
    >> time, and of course Linux does not like that :-( 

    Ben> If the machine really suspended itself, use Fn+F4.  Otherwise,
    Ben> hit a key and it should come back up.  If the display is
    Ben> corrupted after that, try switching to a text console
    Ben> (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F1) and toggling the display off then on (Fn+F7
    Ben> twice) and switching back to the console you came from (possibly
    Ben> Alt+F7).
    Ben> -- 

* George Yanos     *                                                *
* UTC at UIC       *                                                *
* 312-413-0059(w)  *                                                *
* 708-848-4221(h)  *                                                *
* gyanos at uic.edu   *                                                *

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