[ltp] Lotus Office
Frank Roberts - SOTL
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 15:09:20 -0400
Hi All
For some time I have been struggling with Open Office file compability between
the MS side of this box and the Linux side.
One of the big issue has been spell check and thesaurus in both MS Office and
Open Office in Linus.
At times a file will some how indicate that no words are to be spelled
checked for some unknown reason. This occurs always with the same file in
both MS Office and Linux Open Office but never in MS Lotus Office.
That caused me to wonder if there is a downloadable version of Linux Lotus
Office and to start looking on the Lotus site for such.
Unfortunately I was unable to find Lotus Office for Linux and/or to understand
that I had found it because of a variety collection of unknown names. I can
not ascertain what I am looking for.
Does anybody know if there is a downloadable Lotus Office for Linux and if so
what the URL would be.