[ltp] USB memory pen
Gerard van Winssen
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 10:27:05 +0100
Op zaterdag 25 januari 2003 19:19, schreef Jon Tabor:
> I've never booted from the USB pen I have, but Red Hat 7.3 finds it as
> /dev/sda1, if that helps at all. As Tod says below, you should be able to
> point grub or lilo to the appropriate device.
On my MDK9.0 as /dev/sda1 too.
I don't intend to use it to boot linux, but to use it for dos, so I can use
ps2 or bios upgrade when neccesary.
In that case I don't need A dual boot on my thinkpad.
If possible at all.