[ltp] linux web publishing tool ??

Brian Beattie linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
05 Jul 2003 13:04:54 -0700

On Sat, 2003-07-05 at 12:25, Tod Harter wrote:

> There are 2 sides to the story, but compare the way nano works vs the way vi 
> works. I bet 1 weeks wages that you can put virtually anyone that can type in 
> front of nano and they can figure it out in 5 minutes flat. Conversely you 
> need to be some sort of rocket scientist to figure out vi. That to me is the 
> difference between good UI and bad UI.

There are two measures of a UI, the first is what is the shape of the
learning curve, slope, height etc...

The second is what is th e ultimate functionality of of the interface,
certainly the initial slope of the vi learning curve is steep.  But as
near as I can tell from the documentation the ultimate functionality of
nano is not very great, of course this makes the learning curve
shorter.  A tool with a short and/or shallow learning curve is a good
thing for beginers, it may not be very useful for an expert.

Brian Beattie            | Experienced kernel hacker/embedded systems
beattie@beattie-home.net | programmer, direct or contract, short or
www.beattie-home.net     | long term, available immediately.

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