[ltp] In search of the perfect laptop combination

Andrew Biggadike linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
17 Jul 2003 10:39:48 -0400

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 10:34, Steve Krulewitz wrote:
> Jim, why not go for a Thinkpad T40p?  It does not have firewire, but the new
> iPod do USB2.  I have a iPod and I use a $25 firewire pccard without a
> problem, although the custom cable needed for the firewire card does not
> jive with the custom cable of the new iPods (thankfully I have a PocketDock
> on order from http://www.sendstation.com/).

What type of Firewire pccard are you using?  I'm about to buy one so I
can use my (old) iPod with my T40.  I haven't found anything on the web
about specific cards being better (or worse) for Linux .. any tips or
recommendations?  Thanks,
