[ltp] Re: Linux WLAN with A30p

Martin Hermanowski linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 26 Jun 2003 21:51:24 +0200

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On Thu, Jun 26, 2003 at 01:23:09PM -0400, Pam Huntley wrote:
> The way I usually tell if a machine is wireless is by feeling the sides of
> the LCD Panel.  If there are little diagonal ridges on the monitor, kind =
> where your fingers go when your thumb is unlatching the LCD, that typical=
> means it's wireless-ready.   Here's a happy little picture, although I'm
> not sure how Lotus Notes will translate it to internet-speak....
> (Embedded image moved to file: pic21515.jpg)
> At any rate, those little ridges should be there even if the mini-pci card
> itself is not installed.  I think in some early models they were silk
> screened instead of embedded in the plastic, but they should be there.

I got some kind of stickers with stripes on my A30 with wavelan bought
in Feb 2002.

LLAP, Martin

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