[ltp] X22 hangs on resume after "upgrade"
07 May 2003 20:08:31 +0200
Until this weekend I had a stable system running official
woody with few inofficial enhancement.
In particular, I had very reliable standby/hibernate-resume
cycles, so I did hardly ever reboot.
Now, last weekend, I installed quite a number of new
packages and I also upgraded to Adrian Bunks backports
(bunk-1, http://www.fs.tum.de/~bunk/packages/, including a
more recent version of X, which I previously installed from
http://people.debian.org/~blade/woody/i386/). At the end of
the day (with quite a number of additional packages, not
only the bunk-1 upgrade), I hibernated as usual.
On the next day, the syu\stem would freeze on resume, just
having the green moon-led blinking wit only possibility to
manually power-off with the power button. No resume has
worked since then, which is a big annoyance for my habits.
Since I was using ext2, it was also quite a pain to try to
test and look around for the reason. So I recompiled the
kernel and converted all my partitions to ext3. Works fine.
So I am ready to test and look for the resume problems.
However, I have no clue on where to do so, because there
seems to be absolutely no evidence of the problem in the
many logfiles.
Would anyone have a guess on where to start?
Note that PCMCIA is neither needed nor installed on my system.
Which other potential sources of problem could there be?
Which useful logfile information could there be?
Any hint is greatly appreciated!
== Uwe ==