[ltp] Wireless network problem

Neil Weisenfeld linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 03 Sep 2003 19:45:58 -0400

Where did you get the IP address that you manually set?  If you're sure
that it's valid, I'm guessing that your problem may be that there's no
default route set up.  If the windows machines show a default gateway
off, for instance,, try:

route add default gw

and see if that fixed things.  Then, of course, you need to set up DNS

If that all works, I'd focus, as someone else suggested, on trying
another DHCP client.


On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 16:00, Ken Firestone wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a problem getting wireless access to work in a local
> coffeehouse with my Thinkpad 240 running Linux.
> I tred using a setup that has worked on many open acces points, using
> dhcp and a wireless.opts set to accept any access point. When I do
> this the Orinoco card lights up, but iwconfig says there is no
> connection, and ifconfig indicates no ip number assigned. Putting in
> the name of the access point, linksys, does not change things. 
> Manually assigning an ip number casues iwconfig to report on the
> network, but there is no access to the network, outside of other
> wireless devices on the network.
> It appears that my computer is unable to get an address from the dhcp
> server, something the windows computers in the room can do.
> I am running SuSE 7.3 with an older kernel. This is an old laptop, and
> it may not be up to some of the newer stuff.
> The access point is a recent Linksys, which does both 802.11a and g.
> What else do I need to report? And does anyone have any suggestions?
> ============================================================================
> Ken Firestone, W3CAT     | For every problem there is one solution
> kenf@speakeasy.net	 |  which is simple, neat, and wrong.
> ken@firestone.net        |   -- H. L. Mencken
> ============================================================================