[ltp] Re: T30 Hibernate help needed!!
Thu, 4 Sep 2003 22:41:32 +0100 (BST)
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003, Hector Socas Navarro wrote:
> Ok, I'm almost there. I hope with a little bit more help I can get this
> thing working.
> ...
> Ok, so here's the problem. If I set the machine to hibernate (with
> Fn+F12) while in X mode, I get the progress screen with the three bars
> and the system shuts down upon completion. Now when I turn it back on,
> it restores the saved state but when the screen comes up it is slightly
> corrupted at the top of the display and the computer is frozen. Trying
> to switch to text mode (Ctl+Alt+F1 - F6) doesn't work. I have to do a
> hard reboot.
I'm guessing both these are the DRI/3D issue. I find with my T40
that if I load the module "dri" in /etc/X11/XF86Config, resume from
hibernate shows exactly these symptons, and if I don't load the dri
module (and thus can't play tuxracer!) then resume from hibernate
works fine if I swap to a text console before I hibernate.
There's a DRI-resume patch kicking around, I assume to address just
this problem. I've never rebuilt X (which I assume you have to do to
apply this?) so I've not been tempted to bother so far, but it's well
documented on some of the pages of list members. I don't pretend to
understand 3D much, but if someone could assure me it's easier than
I suspect to build and apply this patch, then I might just try :)
Incidentally, resume from suspend (not hibernate) seems to work fine
to me with my 2.4.22-ac1 kernel, no matter if I load dri or not.
If I also load "GLcore" and "glx" as some people seem to, suspend
gets broken too. I don't know what these modules do, but they don't
seem to affect my 3D performance (say, as measured by glxgears) ,
so I just leave them out. Maybe someone could explain what they do?
I've never really used 3D for anything but the racing penguin :)