[ltp] disabling IR (was: accessing TP 770 BIOS setup)

Andre Timmermannn linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 29 Apr 2004 20:54:06 +0200

Hi Andrew,

Am Do, den 29.04.2004 schrieb Andrew Gaffney um 19:55:

> Now that I've gotten into the BIOS, I realize there is no option to disable IR and enable 
> the serial port. I have the tpctl tool installed, but I have no idea how to use it. Can 
> someone point me to a good guide on using it or give me a brief summary of the commands I 
> need to use to disable IR and enable my COM port?

You can use ntpctl instead, this is a ncurses-gui for tpctl. In addition
there is tpctlir -- an utility that enables or disables the infrared
subsystem on ThinkPads with Programmable Option Select.

Please refer to http://tpctl.sourceforge.net/tpctlhome.htm for
additional information about tpctl. 

Thomas Hood has detailed information on his page how to use tpctl on an
TP600: http://panopticon.csustan.edu/thood/tp600lnx.htm

Bill Mair has more information for 770-users:


BOFH-excuse of the day: The mainframe needs to rest. It's getting old,
you know.