[ltp] Screen doesn't blank properly on R50 with ACPI.

Luke Yelavich linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 9 Aug 2004 20:24:06 +1000

Hi all

Whenever it comes time for the screen to blank on my R50, instead of the
backlight turning off, the screen fills almost entirely with white. This goes
away when a key is pressed however.

I am running Slackware 10.0, with ACPI. This happens with both a 2.4.26, and a
2.6.7 kernel.

Apm is fine, but I would rather not use APM, as once my fan turns on, it stays
on, and this is my only problem with ACPI

The command I use to set the screen blanking is the following:

setterm -blank 15 -powersave powerdown -powerdown 60

I have tried setting the powerdown and blanking to the same, with no difference.

This only occurs on the console. I haven't tried setting anything up in X yet.
An external monitor works as expected.

Suggestions welcome.
