[ltp] external monitor/res. change / Fn-F7

Stefan Krüger linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 1 Dec 2004 14:24:43 +0100

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I solved this now and just wanted to contribute something to this list. Thi=
is a /etc/X11/XF86config file for Thinkpads with Radeon Mobile graphiccards=
The main trick is that is enables you to use a higher resolution on the=20
external monitor than on the laptop panel.=20

Whenever the xserver is (re)started (via: KDE login, reboot, startx ) with=
this config file it will first try to use the "extern"-layout with only the=
external monitor at 1280x... .=20
If there is no external monitor connected, it will start with the 1024x...=
So if i plug in the external monitor into the laptop i just have to log out=
and back into kde =3D> resolution changed!

The "intern" or the "extern" layout can also explicitly started with
startx -- -layout layoutname

This file is just meant to be a help for someone. Modify it for your needs.

!!! Of course you have to modify the settings for the external monitor=20
(modelines).  Otherwise you might hurt you monitor!

PS: This XF86config - file is expecting the synaptics driver to be installe=
a link in German is attached in the file.

So, good luck!
Stefan Kr=FCger

Am Freitag, 19. November 2004 13:42 schrieb Stefan Kr=FCger:
> Good morning my Linux-friends
> I have spend two hours now trying to set my X up, so that my Thinkpad uses
> different resolutions, depending on if i work (only) with my external
> monitor or (only) with the LCD. (It worked so smooth under windows, but..=
> But I dont have any success. Now I ask you guys (and girls) for help. I
> have a Thinkpad R40 - I am fed up with this.... can someone who has got t=
> video-out working on any similar model PLEASE SENDE ME HIS
> XF86Config-file?? I will be able to change some resolutions and set my
> monitor-values, but the rest I just dont get working. Thanx a lot!!
> But then the next questions...
> How do you Thinkpad-people switch LCD, External or Both. Fn-F7 i guess, b=
> how??
> Do I have to do it with tpb ??
> Thank you all so much... Its my second week on Linux... My questions will
> get smarted with the time, and my contributions to this ML will become mo=
> abundant.
> Greetings
> Stefan

voicechat with me using skype http://ui.skype.com
my skype username: alfonx

pgp available

ICQ: 310673006

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########## The first layout will be tried first:

### Layout intern (can be started explicitly with "startx -- -layout intern"
Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "intern"
    Screen "Screen_intern"
    InputDevice "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Tastatur" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "MouseUSB" "AlwaysCore"

### Layout extern (can be started explicitly with "startx -- -layout extern"
Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "extern"
    Screen "Screen_extern"
    InputDevice "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Tastatur" "CoreKeyboard"
    InputDevice "MouseUSB" "AlwaysCore"

Section "Monitor"
  Identifier   "BELINEA"
  Option       "CalcAlgorithm" "CheckDesktopGeometry"
  DisplaySize  338 270
  HorizSync    30-81
  ModelName    "101720"
  VendorName   "BELINEA"
  VertRefresh  56-75
  UseModes     "Modes_Belinea"

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier   "LCD"
    Option       "DPMS"
  ### I have to check this
    DisplaySize  340 270

### Die ATI Radeon Grafikkarte im Thinkpad R40 2722 3BG:
### ... im Modus f=C3=BCr intern und extern clonen, max 1024x768 auf beiden
Section "Device"
    Identifier  "ATI_intern"
    VendorName  "ATI"
    Driver      "ati"
    Option      "UseFBDev" "false"
    Option      "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,CRT"
    BusID       "PCI:01:0:0"
    Screen      0
    Option      "SWcursor" "true"
    Option      "DRIReinit"
    Option      "AGPMode" "4"

### Die ATI Radeon Grafikkarte im Thinkpad R40 2722 3BG:
### ... im Modus f=C3=BCr nur externen Ausgang (kann dann mit mehr als 1024=
Section "Device"
   Identifier  "ATI_extern"
   BoardName    "Radeon LW"
   VendorName   "ATI"
   BusID        "1:0:0"
   Driver       "radeon"
   Option       "PanelOff"
   Option       "CloneDisplay" "1"
   Screen       0
   Option       "Rotate" "off"
   Option      "DRIReinit"
   Option      "ForcePCIMode" "false"
   Option      "AGPMode" "4"

### Screen INTERN
Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen_intern"
    Device      "ATI_intern"
    Monitor     "LCD"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth 24
        Modes "1024x768" "800x600"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Screen_extern"
    Device "ATI_extern"
    Monitor "BELINEA"
    DefaultDepth 24
    SubSection "Display"
       Depth      24
       Modes      "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600"
    SubSection "Display"
       Depth      16
       Modes      "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600"

### Modes for my Belinea 101720. I got them from some probing within sax2
Section "Modes"
  Identifier   "Modes_Belinea"
  Modeline 	"1280x1024" 134.72 1280 1368 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1068
  Modeline 	"1280x960" 107.32 1280 1360 1496 1712 960 961 964 995
  Modeline 	"1280x960" 126.27 1280 1368 1504 1728 960 961 964 1001
  Modeline 	"1280x800" 88.68 1280 1352 1488 1696 800 801 804 830
  Modeline 	"1280x800" 104.35 1280 1360 1496 1712 800 801 804 835
  Modeline 	"1280x768" 84.35 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 797
  Modeline 	"1280x768" 99.17 1280 1352 1488 1696 768 769 772 801
  Modeline 	"1152x864" 86.70 1152 1224 1344 1536 864 865 868 896
  Modeline 	"1152x864" 102.08 1152 1224 1352 1552 864 865 868 901
  Modeline 	"1024x768" 67.48 1024 1080 1184 1344 768 769 772 797
  Modeline 	"1024x768" 79.52 1024 1080 1192 1360 768 769 772 801
  Modeline 	"800x600" 40.19 800 832 912 1024 600 601 604 623
  Modeline 	"800x600" 47.53 800 840 920 1040 600 601 604 626
  Modeline 	"768x576" 37.37 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 598
  Modeline 	"768x576" 43.52 768 800 880 992 576 577 580 601
  Modeline 	"640x480" 25.10 640 656 720 800 480 481 484 498
  Modeline 	"640x480" 29.84 640 664 728 816 480 481 484 501


Section "Module"
        Load  "GLcore"
# F=C3=BCr Thinkpad gibts ibm-acpi, also kein APM
#        Load  "apm"
# Synapicts treiber und weitere Tipps gibts hier: http://ffm.junetz.de/memb=
	Load  "synaptics"
        Load  "bitmap"
        Load  "dbe"
        Load  "ddc"
        Load  "dri"
        Load  "extmod"
        Load  "freetype"
        Load  "glx"
        Load  "int10"
        Load  "record"
        Load  "type1"
        Load  "vbe"

Section "DRI"
    Mode        0666

Section "Files"
  FontPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
  FontPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
  FontPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
  RgbPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
  ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"

Section "ServerFlags"
       Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"

# Die Tasten Forward und Backward machen noch nix
Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier  "Tastatur"
    Driver      "keyboard"
    Option      "CoreKeyboard"
    Option      "XkbRules" "xfree86"
    Option      "XkbModel" "pc102"
    Option      "XkbLayout" "de"
    Option      "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"

# Das Touchpad
Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "synaptics"
  Identifier    "Mouse[1]"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/psaux"
  Option        "Edges"         "1900 5400 1800 3900"
  Option        "Finger"        "25 30"
  Option        "MaxTapTime"    "200"
  Option        "MaxTapMove"    "220"
  Option        "VertScrollDelta" "100"
  Option        "MinSpeed"      "0.02"
  Option        "MaxSpeed"      "0.18"
  Option        "AccelFactor"   "0.0010"
  Option        "TapButton1"    "1"
  Option        "TapButton2"    "2"
  Option        "TapButton3"    "3"
#  Option       "Repeater"      "/dev/ps2mouse"
#  Option       "SHMConfig"     "on"

### For use with patched gpm (hier: http://ffm.junetz.de/members/jh/linux/r=
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Maus"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "CorePointer"
        Option      "Protocol" "MouseSystems"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/gpmdata"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "off"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

### USB mouse with scroll wheel
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "MouseUSB"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol"   "ImPS/2"
        Option      "Device"     "/dev/input/mice"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
