[ltp] Processor architecture change causes kernel panic
Niel Lambrechts
Sun, 05 Dec 2004 21:27:32 +0200
I run SuSE 9.2 on my Thinkpad R50P. I recently tried recompiling - and
changed the processor type from i686 to pentiumm, hoping that it might
be an improvement to be specific.
Part of this process involved running mkinitrd, which includes reiserfs
in it's module list. This however results in a kernel panic when the
system is booting, since reiserfs gives an "invalid version magic" error
- it is was expecting to find i686 type format for reiserfs, but instead
found "pentiumm".
To me it seems that mkinitrd includes the reiserfs module from the _old_
i686 kernel in the initrd image. How would I change initrd and reiserfs
to work with the new kernel architecture?
Niel Lambrechts <antispam@telkomsa.net>