[ltp] Copying Files

Matthias Posseldt linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 17:00:57 +0100

On Monday 06 December 2004 15:23, SOTL wrote:
> Hi All
> I want to copy all files in a partition to another partition.
> Can I do the following?
> dd     if=dev/hda5/*     of=dev/hda6/*

No. That command doesn't work at all, since both "if" and "of" from dd 
require one and only one argument. Furthermore you're using relative 
paths which may be not what you intend to do.

> If not how do I need to modify this or what should I utilize?

You should use a completely different program. dd is disk dump. You can 
use tar via pipe (see http://www.tech-recipes.com/unix_tips115.html) or 
just cp with some options (recursive, keep dates, etc.).

There is still the danger of EU software patents!
