[ltp] IBM to sells its PC buisness update

Michael Z Daryabeygi linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 07 Dec 2004 15:55:46 -0500

Winsley von Spee wrote:

>I just thought someone someone perhaps founds it interesting. If you
>don't just write your own filter ......
I'm still finding the thread interesting.
I think OT is a good thing in general, but that this is only barely OT 
I never understand people who seem to think there is a limit to list 
So post away I say.

Good Morning Silicon Valley says that the deal with Lanova is imminent 
Also that it is not a a sale but the founding of a dual branded joint 
venture in which IBM will only hold a minority stake.
The Apple rumors are aparently purely rumor.
Do people instal linux on Macs?
Does Darwin BSD come with GNU utilities?
I have a one-buton mouse phobia.

Please use your delete key before you tell me to STFW.