Thinkpad caase cracks (Re: [ltp] 2100 Wireless on X31, upon 2.4 to
2.6 migration)
Charles E Taylor IV
Tue, 7 Dec 2004 19:56:54 -0500
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004 22:07:00 +0000
Dale Amon <> wrote:
> Mine has crack clean through the thin plastic beside
> the left arrow on one side and the Fn key on the other.
> A friend of mine who also had a T22 had the same
> thing happen.
The thinner Thinkpads seem to be prone to that sort of thing. My wife's
570E has the same problem, though the crack's only on the right side above
the PCMCIA slots (one of which is dead).
Super Glue does not seem to work on these. That two-part epoxy for
plastics (I forget the brand name right now) fixes it more permanently.
* Charles Taylor <>
* Chemistry teacher, Linux enthusiast!
* Web: