[ltp] IBM to sell its PC business
Benjamí Villoslada
Wed, 8 Dec 2004 17:45:44 +0100
El Dimecres 08 Desembre 2004 15:55, Joel Ebel va escriure:
> Those were inspirons, and I I've heard
> that the latitudes are built better, but after my experiences, I just
> wasn't keen on Dell laptops anymore.
Yes, never buy one inspiron... I know similar experiences.
Seems that Latitude is diferent. I have two friends with Latitude X200 (the
prior model to the actual X300) and is a light, strong, quiet, and cold
No doubt, I prefer to pay +500 Eur for one ThinkPad, but the future he is
uncertain and perhaps it will be necessary to pay attention to the
alternatives :(