[SOLVED but with a great loss] Re: [ltp] Partition table seems corrupted

jcms linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 13:29:15 -0500 (EST)

  Thanks for the help.
  I think this command should work better to give me the unique list of possible candidates (files),

   find . -type f -exec fgrep -il 'word-in-thesis' \{\} \; | tee candidate.lis


-----Original Message-----
From: ben <bwpearre@alumni.princeton.edu>
Sent: Dec 27, 2004 12:42 PM
To: linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Subject: Re: [SOLVED but with a great loss] Re: [ltp] Partition table seems corrupted

> grep -H -i "word-in-thesis" *
> where -H prints the matching filename and -i searches case-insensitive. 

How long has -H been there????  Here I've been using the /dev/null
hack since 1993.  If I develop an obsession for nihilism I only have
myself to blame, but I'm so glad someone's reading man pages for me :)

Ben Pearre          http://hebb.mit.edu/~ben       PGP: CFDA6CDA
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