[ltp] Hi to all & IBM R50

joshua timberman linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 17:57:57 -0700

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 10:31:07 -0800 (PST), piranha@suspicious.org
<piranha@suspicious.org> wrote:
> i can't believe it.
> unbiased and accurate advice for newbies.
> great catch and it might seem like a small thing but you should see how
> much drivel gets blurted out to noobs requesting info.


I've been around Linux for a long time and I can safely say "I've seen
it all" (tm).  I have seen countless distro wars.  I understand the
reasons people have for their preferred distribution and I have
reasons for mine.  I'm fairly distro-agnostic as I literally have
tried them all at some point. The fancy gui based rpm distributions
like SuSE, Red Hat (fedora) and Mandrake suit my needs.  One of these
days I should write an article or something about it.

> i can remember redhat qas far bask as 1995.
> i guess hat makes me a old fart.

Ah yes.  I was still using Slackware in 1995.  I started on Red Hat
sometime in late 1996.  I'm not an old fart by age, but as far as the
Linux world goes, I'm almost old school.  My first Linux system ever
was Yggdrasil 1.0 :).

prepare for down count.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 1.. off blast!