Re[2]: [ltp] Hi to all & IBM R50

joshua timberman
Tue, 28 Dec 2004 18:04:21 -0700

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 12:04:20 -0800 (PST),
<> wrote:
> understand why emmanuel doesant like top posting.
> its inconvenient for HIM...

Top posting is considered bad netiquette for a couple reasons.

1.  It is harder to follow the flow of an email conversation when the
text being responded to is not in-line with the response.

2.  People who respond with top posting are generally too lazy to
remove unnecessary text from the message and thus send more data and
'waste' bandwidth.  That isn't an issue as much now as it was 5 years
ago when broadband usage wasn't as widespread.  It is still considered
poor form.

3. (bonus reason) It greatly resembles all those stupid email forwards
people get from their friends who follow up with all those ridiculous
chain letters :).

(no offense intended for anyone who may be one of those chain letter
forwarder, sorry).

prepare for down count.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 1.. off blast!