[ltp] BIOS/Firmware Updates

Sebastian Kapfer linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Sat, 07 Feb 2004 23:58:52 +0100

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Hello List!

How do you guys update the firmware of your favourite mobile computer?=20

I killed off Windows completely and had to go the long way of abusing
the Bochs i386 emulator and a few old MS-DOS diskettes to create
bootable diskette images which I then burned on a CD-RW to boot from (no
diskette drive here). It works, and being a g33k it was fun to dive into
DOS once again, but I wouldn't exactly call it convenient.

It would help a lot if IBM offered the pure diskette images (i.e.
without the .EXE shell) as a download, but they probably fear to confuse
their Windows users.

Is there a better way? Maybe some sort of program which can extract the
images from the EXEs?

Best Regards,  | This signature is currently under construction.
 Sebastian     | Please check back later!

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