[ltp] TP T40p Suse 9.0 Fn-button

James McKenzie linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 08:18:22 -0700


What is the name of the SUSE distribuition.

James McKenzie

Sergio Vergata wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Suse has an special version of SuSE 9.0 especiali for IBM Notebooks installing 
>with this CD you get an fully preconfigured SuSE system for IBM an the 
>correct configuration of 2.4 kernel.
>I'm not using it because I love Debian so you can give it a try.
>CU Sergio
>On Monday 09 February 2004 09:09, Patrick Blomquist wrote:
>>I have installed Suse 9.0 on my new Thinkpad T40p. But I have one big
>>problem! If I touch the Fn-button the computer hangs, everythink gets
>>realy slow, and must be rebooted for going back to normal. Can someone
>>help me, please?
>>Regards from Patrick Blomquist
>>Department of Mathematical Sciences and Technology
>>Agricultural University of Norway
>>P.O.Box 5003, 1432 Aas, Norway
>>Phone:+47-64948720, Fax:+47-64948810
>>Home:+47-64871215, Mobile: +47-95739751
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