[ltp] Thinkpad T41

Jens Kirch linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 27 Jan 2004 23:01:38 +0100

Hi Tim,

it depends on where you are and what programs are available. If you are 
at a University there might be some discounts you can get.
For the US Bill Morrow at Thinkpads.com is a very good source, since you 
doesn't charge taxes (if you are in the US and outside Florida) and has 
good prices.
He also maintains a very good forum including a big helpfull comunity 
for questions regarding Thinkpads.
Best regards,


Tim Nordell schrieb:

>Hash: SHA1
>I know this does not directly relate to this mailing list, but closely,
>but I am considering getting a Thinkpad T41, and putting linux on it.  I
>was just wondering what some of your buying experiences were, and if it
>would be better to buy direct from IBM, or to buy from another company. 
>Mainly, there are some companies where you can get the identical model
>that you can get from IBM directly, but for a lower price.  Any input on
>this would be much appreciated, thanks.
>- --
>                      - Tim
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
T600E, T40p (Currently not running Linux)

Jens Kirch