[ltp] Re: off topic: removing intel cpu sticker

Juergen Stuber linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 13:26:22 +0200

Hi Jacob,

Jacob Lilly <jrlilly@gmail.com> writes:
> This is basically 50% off topic, no linux, but it does relate to
> Thinkpads.  I have a T40 and the intel provided sticker is starting to
> rub off.  Anyone have any suggestions for a non-caustic removal
> method?

my general method to get off stickers is to pull them off carefully
and to use other surplus stickers (like from floppies) to "mop up"
the remainders.

As for these logos, I immediately take preventive action when I get
a new machine, then it is very easy to lift them off cleanly with a knife.


Jürgen Stuber <juergen@jstuber.net>
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