[ltp] Frequency scaling not working in /sys in T41

Miguel Hermanns linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 14:20:34 -0700

I have included now cpufreq_powersave in the list of modules to load and 
have loaded it.

>My .../scaling_governor file says "powersave".
>It switches nicely between 600MHz when idle and full speed when
>something is running.
AFAIK cpudyn controls the frequency by switching between powersave and 
performance in the scaling_governor file, so that you can only access 
two possible states. Since it uses the same system under /sys it suffers 
from the same problem. I have tried now cpudyn and the result is the 
same, namely that /proc/cpuinfo still reports the maximum frequency and that

endor:/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq# cat 
state count:             8
active state:            T0
   *T0:                  00%
    T1:                  12%
    T2:                  25%
    T3:                  37%
    T4:                  50%
    T5:                  62%
    T6:                  75%
    T7:                  87%

reports the same result, although the file scaling_governor switches 
from powersave to performance and back :-(. It looks like it is 
something related to /sys and cpufreq, but I don't know what. I even 
thought that maybe /sys was not mounted, but it is. BTW I have the acpid 
daemon running. May that have an influence?

