[ltp] R32 booting problem
Ken Weinert
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 05:29:14 -0600
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I have an R32 that's about 18 months old now and it's developed a very
annoying habit.
Rebooting can take as long as 15-20 *minutes*. In addition, it won't
boot off of the CD at all any more.
It boots up through the POST testing without a problem. Then it will sit
there, with that screen up for 4-6 minutes. Then I get the screen clear.
Then we sit there for a while. Then I get the first grub prompt which
again sits on the screen for several minutes.
Eventually it will boot up properly and everything works.
BTW: I can press the function key to go into setup and I'll still get
the initial wait after POST before it goes in to the BIOS setup.
As I stated above, when I power up (and it doesn't matter if it's a boot
while the machine is warm (just a reboot) or it's been off all night)
the CD is "hit" (I hear it spin up) but the system will *never* boot off
of any CD.
I've not found any info through googling, does anyone have any pointers
or references for me to check out?
.--. =20
|o_o | Ken Weinert mc@quarter-flash.com
||_/ | 303-452-6603 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)=20
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