[ltp] Thinkpad and the pilot
Marius Gedminas
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 23:25:10 +0300
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On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 06:31:55PM -0400, David J Patrick wrote:
> Will me T20's /dev/pilot be /dev/ttys0 ? Doesn't seem so !?
I think it should be /dev/ttyS0 (with a capital 'S').
> any other palm pilot tips ? how 'bout the IR ?
> anyone had success with that ?
I've had success hotsyncing my Tungsten T over IrDA to my T23. Here's
what I had to do:
1. flash the BIOS to a newer version, because otherwise I couldn't
perform step 2
2. enable IrDA in the BIOS (the older BIOS had a bug -- the IrDA
setting would keep reverting to "OS controlled" on every boot),
set the IO port to 0x2F8 and IRQ to 3.
3. add the following to /etc/modules.conf (actually, since I use
Debian, I had to add that to /etc/modutils/local and run
alias irda0 nsc-ircc
options nsc-ircc dongle_id=3D0x09 io=3D0x2f8 irq=3D3
pre-install nsc-ircc setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none port 0 irq 0
4. run "irattach irda0" on boot (on Debian you apt-get install
irda-tools and edit /etc/irda.conf)
If you echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/irda/discovery, and place your palm next
to the IrDA port, after a few minutes the palm should be discovered and
listed in the same proc file.
Then you can use pilot-xfer -p /dev/ircomm0 to hotsync.
Beaming things with the OBEX protocol is also possible, but more
difficult and less convenient. Debian package openobex-apps has a
program called irobex_palm3 that can do that.
Marius Gedminas
Hanlon's Razor:
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained
by stupidity.
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