[ltp] T40, 2.6.3 and power mgmt

Frank Schaeckermann linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 04 Mar 2004 14:55:08 +0100

jm-at-jmason.org (Justin Mason) |Linux on ThinkPads| wrote:

>>It (save2dsk.bin on a FAT32 /dev/hda1) works for me.  I did not use
>>tphdisk though (I didn't know it existed), I used the IBM floppy image
>>burned into a bootable CD-RW.
> Marius --
> Interesting!  could you elaborate on that?   You don't happen to
> have the .iso image lying around still? ;)
> - --j.

if you look in the archives of this mailing list... a couple of month 
ago I burned a bootable CD from the mentioned floppy image and sent it 
to some people on the list. At least one of them put the iso image up on 
his server! Don't remember his name though...


P.S. I still have the hibernation partition but never really use it 
because it takes forever to hibernate with 1.5GB RAM! But it still is a 
nice safety-net in case my battery runs down while suspended!