[ltp] ATTENTION T40/41/4*p OWNERS!

Greg Meyer linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Thu, 25 Mar 2004 08:33:31 -0500

On Wednesday 24 March 2004 04:30 pm, ben lamothe wrote:
> After an exaustive search of all forums and mailing lists i can think
> of, I couldn't find any solution to the fan never shutting off in linux
> problem, so I decided to give IBM a call to report a bug.  I just spoke
> to IBM on the phone about the fan, assuming that there was some
> proprietary daemon that controls the fan in windows, on how to get IBM
> to release the specs so a similar daemon can be written for linux, or
> better yet, for IBM to write a daemon themselves.  The guy on the phone
> told me that all that he could do was note it, and if enough people call
> in about the same problem, then they would issue a "re-call" and release
> a fix.  So, the best way to get this thing fixed is for everyone
> affected, and more, to call 1-800-IBM-SERV and select hardware services
> support and report that the fan doesn't shut off in Linux.  If enough
> people call in, then this problem will be fixed, so everyone please call
> in.  Thanks alot.

My T41 fan is constantly speeding up and slowing down depending on the level 
of processor activity and whether or not the processor is running at full 
speed or stepped down.  Is the problem perhaps you have a kernel that does 
not support ACPI in the T41 properly?