[ltp] hangs on startup (logo screen)

Tim Prince linux-thinkpad@linux-thinkpad.org
Wed, 19 May 2004 19:23:03 -0700

At 05:44 PM 5/19/2004, Johannes Rieken wrote:

>I have the same problem with SuSE9.1. Since I installed it some time it just
>hung at boot time. A few retries later it worked.
>Anybody a idea?

Apparently, you didn't find your F2 key, as was suggested on your screen, 
or you would have informed us what was showing at the hang.  On my dual 
boot system,  I obeyed my employer's "suggestion" to "upgrade" to Office 
2003.  The first few times I attempted to reboot from Windows to SuSE 9.1, 
it hung attempting to access the network cards.  This could be corrected by 
powering off before reboot.  Now this problem has disappeared, and eth0 has 
no problems, while eth1 (ipw2100) continues to behave (poorly) as before.

I think this is outside the scope of this thread, but the ipw2100 
associates only if the router is set to broadcast essid and disable 
WEP.  Even then, SuSE shows a failure to access type-wlan at boot (but no 
longer hangs there), and the ipw2100 never communicates. kwifimanager comes 
up with strong signal and correct essid but no ap.  Attempting to set ap in 
iwconfig has no effect.

Tim Prince